Certainly glass in windows can be easily smashed, like any other form of glass. But any burglar would prefer to provide a much quieter way of gaining access to property, without having to resort to such a noisy method as breaking glass.

Unfortunately, when breaking glass, a burglar knows that it makes a very distinctive noise, and is therefore likely to attract them unwanted attention.  Also, there is a high risk of them actually cutting themselves while they are carrying out the procedure.  They know that the chances of them being caught are highly increased because of the use of DNA samples, which provide law enforcement agencies with a very good way of identifying any intruder into a property.

Although some burglars will break windows in order to gain access to people’s homes, most prefer to use a window which is already open.  The problem is that, in a lot of burglaries, the actual burglar has not even had to try to open one, as the home owner has left one open (whether by mistake or deliberately).

But even people who do have locks on their windows which are closed, these are often very weak, and in a lot of cases, people only have latches fitted to their windows.  With these installed, a burglar will have no difficulty at all in breaking in to a person’s home in just a matter of seconds or minutes.

However today, there are plenty of good quality window locks now available which a person can install, and do not cost an arm and a leg to buy.  But although there are plenty of window locks now available, just which are the right ones for you to buy for your home in order to protect your windows from being a potential access point for a burglar?  Below we will take a look at the various different types of window locks a person can now use.

Thumb Turn Locks

These types of locks are not secured using a key, and are great way of preventing the windows on your home from being opened from the outside.  The only way a burglar could attempt to try and open one of these would be from them having to smash the glass in the window in order to gain access to the lock itself, and then operating it.  Although they may have to smash the glass to gain access to the lock, once they have, they will lessen their chances of being cut by any glass afterwards because they can then open the window completely.

Key Locks

These are the best kind of locks for helping to secure windows.  It is best that you remove the key from the lock once the window has been closed, but ensure that it is in a location where it can easily be reached, and ensure that all members of the family know exactly where it is.  You don’t want any members of your family being caught when there is a fire in the home and they can not find the key to get the window open.  You may also find that if a certain window has been designated as an escape route from your property in case of a fire or other sorts of emergencies, then you may find that the local building codes actually prevent you from fitting a key lock to this particular window.  Therefore you need to confirm through your local building authority what the codes are, and what they require you to do.

The other reason for fitting key locks to windows, especially on the upper floors of your home, is that they could prevent young children from falling out of them.  Unfortunately, as children grow older, they become a little more inquisitive, and it will only take them a matter of seconds to be able to undo the lock and open the window.

The great thing about installing good quality window locks in your home is that they are visible to those outside your home.  Once a burglar sees these, he then knows what he is going to be facing, and certainly if he feels that it is going to be difficult to gain access because it is likely to draw attention to them, then they may well decide it is best to go and look elsewhere and see what the next house can offer them instead.

You may well find that you might have to fit more than one lock on each window, but this will depend on the actual size of them.  Therefore, the larger the window, then the more strain is going to be put on the lock as the burglar attempts to gain access by forcing it.  Also do not forget to place locks on even small windows you have in your home, as there are some burglars who can gain access through very small spaces, or who will use a child as an accomplice in order to help them gain access into your home.

Also. never forget to install locks on the windows on the upper floors of your home.  Although you may not think this is necessary because a burglar will not attempt to use one in order to gain access to your home. they will. Remember, a burglar will use a ladder if necessary, and often it has either come from your own backyard, or that of your neighbors.

Certainly the chances of a burglar going elsewhere to gain access to a home to take a person’s possessions are greatly increased if you have good quality window locks fitted on your own home.


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