A house is the abode of the human kind. A house is a place where people unwind after a hard day of work, relax and are just themselves. In a house there is no stretch and deadlines to be met. Owning a house is every man’s dream and a large part of one’s income is invested in buying a house for the family and own self
A house is a life time investment.
A house is built basically of bricks, stones, chips, cement and of wood .yes there also exists wooden houses. Like the regular brick and cement houses wooden houses are also built on a laid plan but are not as concrete as the former one.
Wooden houses are generally found in the hills and in the cooler climates. Tropical or rainy climate is not suitable for the construction of wooden houses. In cold and dry weather countries wooden houses are more common than in tropical countries where wooden houses will be a mere waste of money. Wooden houses are built with planks of wood joined together. Their plan and layout is technically different from that of the brick houses. Their floorings and walls are also done up of wood .The cost of maintenance wooden houses is much higher than the maintenance of concrete houses.
Wooden houses are generally built in the area which are prone to earth quakes and land slides. That is because wooden houses cause less damage to life and property if a natural calamity strikes than the concrete houses. Therefore one is more likely to find wooden houses in the earth quake belts of the world.
In the cold countries we are more likely to find wooden houses. The climate of such countries is suitable for building wooden houses. The dry and cold climate does not weather wood much and thus the longitivity of the house is maintained. Wooden houses are also warmer compared to the brick houses. Thus in cold climates it keeps people warmer as wood does not easily become cold and heat is trapped in the house.
Wooden houses are expensive and have become a possession of the rich and famous who build wooden castles for them selves. People buy expensive wooden houses and farm houses which become the symbol of their aristocracy. No matter what the houses are made of when they are filled with the laughter of people it becomes a heaven for the family.
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